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How does frequency capping work?

Last Updated 14 十二月 2023
Author TrafficJedi

Frequency capping is a digital advertising technique that limits the number of times an individual user sees a specific ad within a set timeframe, such as 24 hours. This approach helps prevent ad fatigue, ensuring users are not overwhelmed by repetitive ads, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

Understanding Frequency Capping:

  1. Default Settings: TrafficStars sets a default frequency cap of three impressions per 24 hours. This level is considered optimal for user experience, balancing ad exposure without causing annoyance.
  2. Adjusting Frequency Caps: Advertisers can modify the frequency cap based on specific campaign objectives.

Specific campaign objectives:

  1. Maximizing Brand Awareness: Increasing the frequency cap can be beneficial when the goal is to enhance brand visibility among a broader audience.
  2. Targeting a Limited Audience: For campaigns aimed at a niche market or during periods of low market share, adjusting the frequency cap can help achieve desired reach.
  3. Short-Term Campaigns: During high-demand periods, such as holidays, increasing the frequency cap can ensure that the ad reaches users multiple times within a short timeframe.

By strategically setting frequency caps, advertisers can optimize their campaigns to achieve specific goals while maintaining a positive user experience.

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