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How do I add a website and ad spots?

Last Updated 14 Décembre 2023
Author TrafficJedi

How to add a website?

Please login to your Publisher’s dashboard at and go to “Create new” section to add your new website and create ad spots.

How do I add a website and ad spots? photo 1

Then click on [New Site] button (on the right), complete “Name” field with your website name and add a direct “URL” with the address of your web. Save it.

How do I add a website and ad spots? photo 2

Your website will now go to Pending status until our compliance team reviews it.

Once your website has been approved, you will receive a confirmation email and can start using the ad spots linked to it.

Important: to get your first website approved make sure you fill in all mandatory fields on your profile: Account Details & Billing information sections.

How to add new ad spots?

In Create New tab click on [New Spot] button and choose the relevant ad format.

How do I add a website and ad spots? photo 3

Choose a website for which you are creating the adspot;

Name it properly to help advertisers understand where the ad spot is placed;

Select ad format and apply Compliance rules if necessary.

How do I add a website and ad spots? photo 4

To start traffic monetization, copy the given code (iFrame/JS/direct link) and implement it into the code of your webpage.

How do I add a website and ad spots? photo 5

Use Ad Setup Help instructions for developers, available on your account, to find more custom parameters for TrafficStars codes.

Contact your manager via live-chat or e-mail, if you have further questions.

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