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Full Page Interstitial for Publishers

Last Updated 14 Dezembro 2023
Author TrafficJedi

✅ A well-tested full-page ad format meeting all Better Ads requirements. In this article, we will explore how full-page interstitial ads work, the customization options available to publishers, and key recommendations for optimizing your ad campaigns.

What is it?

Full Page interstitial is a full-screen ad showing an interactive landing page or an image ad triggered upon a user’s click.

How it works?

This ad format loads between two pages of the site content and is immediately dismissible by a user, which provides better user experience on the site and is not covering the actual content the user is viewing.

Can I change settings?

As a publisher, you can customize a wide range of parameters, to ensure the best user experience and, for example, create the correct flow between Popunders and Interstitial.

  • Set number of clicks user has to make before the ad will be triggered
  • Set the showtime - how long the ad will be shown to the user before it closes automatically. We recommend keeping the showtime for at least 60 seconds on Desktop or Mobile for the best advertiser's performance.
  • Include or Exclude some elements of the page to set special triggers on link elements.

Note: Your average CTR on the interstitial spot will be combined from 2 creative types, which our advertisers are running. 1. Interstitial Image Ad campaigns have clicks on the creatives 2. Interactive Landing Page campaigns do not have clicks on the creatives As a result, you might see a combined CTR, as the traffic is spread between 2 types of campaigns. As a publisher, you shouldn't worry about that, as your traffic is monetized on CPM basis per impression and your avg. CTR doesn't affect each specific campaign or creative performance.

Full-page interstitial ads offer a flexible, non-intrusive way to engage users while providing advertisers with valuable exposure. By customizing your settings to align with your audience's behavior, you can optimize both user experience and ad performance. If you have further questions or want to start running interstitial campaigns, feel free to reach out to your account manager or contact support for assistance.

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