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TrafficStars team FAQ

Tracking pixel TrafficStars

Tracking pixel is a transparent graphic element 1x1 pixel in size placed in the site code.

What is a tracking pixel?

Tracking pixel is a transparent graphic element 1x1 pixel in size placed in the site code. Tracking pixel allows you to track visitor conversions on your website and place them in TrafficStars statistics. Conversion refers to any user action on your website. It can be a purchase, a page view, a button click, filling out a form, or a registration. Thus, the pixel allows you to track conversions to analyze and optimize your ad campaign results.

How to set up tracking pixel?

1. Go to the Tracking Tools section.


2. Choose Pixel tracking tab and copy the link. Pixel code looks like this:


3. Paste code on chosen site pages in

tags. That’s all! Don't forget to publish the changes.


  • If user has disabled cookies on your site, no conversion data will be collected.
  • When user makes double conversion actions, the conversion will only be counted once.
  • Conversion from a pixel, as well as conversion from a postback, in our statistics is related to the site or spot from which the impression was made. And in the breakdown of statistics by spot/site you can see where the lead came from
  • You can pass the conversion value to TrafficStars statistics through the value parameter. To do this, add the following text to the link ?value=5, where 5 is the conversion value. The code should look like this: <img src="" >
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