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TrafficStars team FAQ

How You Can Contact Us

This article will guide you on how to contact TrafficStars for support, issue resolution, and information. We will discuss the different communication channels available and outline the types of inquiries suitable for each.  

Communication Channels: 

 - Live Support Chat

- Telegram Chat

- Email

- Skype

- Account Manager

Each section will detail the specific types of questions and issues that can be addressed through these channels.

Live Support Chat 

For quick and convenient communication, you can use the chat feature on our website. The chat is available in the lower right corner of the page and allows you to receive prompt answers to your questions. 

Telegram Chat 

You can also join our Telegram chat-bot to receive prompt assistance. Join through the communication button on the lower right corner of the website or find the bot directly in the Telegram – @TrafficStarsIntercomBot 



If your question requires more detailed consideration or you want to discuss specific topics, you can send an email to the appropriate address: 

  • General inquiries: 

  • Compliance issues: 


You can also reach out to us through Skype for any inquiries or support. Our team is available to assist you, ensuring a seamless communication experience. Contact us in Skype by “TrafficStars Support".

Account Manager 

If you need a personal manager who will not only help you answer basic questions but also assist in developing a strategy for your products and offers, you can learn how to get one here

Text us! 

We are always happy to assist you and offer several ways to get in touch, so you can choose the most convenient option for you. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or suggestions!

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