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TrafficStars team FAQ

Can I get a refund?

To request a refund please contact our support manager via live chat. Refund requests are subject to review and approval by Traffic Stars. We reserve the right to deny refund requests that do not meet the specified criteria or violate our policies.

The first six (6) months from the initial deposit on our website will be considered as a trial period so you can ask for a refund of the balance remaining on the account if you are not satisfied with our website and have remained in compliance with our Terms and Conditions. For this period, transfer fees will not be deducted from the refund amount.

Following the period of six (6) months or as soon as you make a second deposit on our website, it is understood that a refund will be issued provided that the minimum balance on the account is $250 (for WIRE transfers) or $50 for other payment methods. A fee of 10% will be deducted from the refund amount.

If you are cancelled or terminated or blacklisted by us for violating Our Terms and Conditions, you are not entitled to a refund.

To receive a refund, please contact our Live-chat support. Write the reason for the refund and the payment method (i.e. SEPA, Paxum, Credit Card, Coingate, Wire Transfer, Capitalist). Based on the payment method you select, additional information might be requested prior to processing the refund.

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