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Did you know that users respond better to animated banner adverts than to static ones? Statistics show that the click-through rate on rich media banner adverts is 267% greater than their static counterparts, which drives more traffic to your website.

The benefits of an HTML5 banner ad are tremendous. The biggest aspect is that no matter what device or browser you are on, the banner will display and animate the same.

More benefits:

  1. Chance to be Creative. You no longer have to squeeze all that information into a single image.

  2. More Memorable. By creating a more memorable ad, viewers are more prone to remember your ad versus one that is just a plain image.

  3. Size Matters. Today, more people are using their mobile devices as their primary source for all things Internet-related. A small static banner created for mobile devices can often look blurry and unreadable. With the use of HTML5, and the ability to have multiple slides, more information can be added and font sizes can be increased so they are more legible.

  4. Reach Audiences in Different Ways. Some users engage better with text, others with video, and in some cases, simple interactions. Using the HTML5 banner format, you can provide all of those in one single ad.

  5. Gone in a Flash. In the past, developers used Adobe Flash to create animated banners. With a majority of iOS (Apple) devices and other platforms no longer supporting Flash, HTML5 is now the way to go!

It’s time to launch your first campaign with the HTML5 banner! 🚀