At TrafficStars this time we would like to remind you about the great opportunity to increase your performance!

Have you already tried the feature: Lookalike audience! With Look-alike you will be able to extend your audience reach, thus increase your revenues!

What is a Lookalike audience?

A Lookalike Audience is a way to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they're similar to your best existing customers.

An algorithm analyses your campaign’s performance and identifies prospering ad spots. These are then used as an example for finding new ad spots, with the same performance potential.

How to launch Lookalike campaigns?

There are two places where you can find and use this feature.

The first option is in your Campaign Listing Page, from where you can create a new, identical clone of the original campaign, with a whitelist of the selected Lookalike audience.

The second place is from the Campaign Edit Page where it allows you to add Lookalike audiences to your already existing campaign, along with the rest of your Whitelisted spots.

Read the full FAQ article on how to launch Lookalike campaigns!