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With Christmas around the corner, TrafficStars is beginning to feel festive! To help put you in the Christmas mood, we are giving publishers 100% rev share for the month of December when you switch any banner ad spot to Native!

From the 3rd until the 31st of December, publishers will receive 100% rev share for switching any banner ad spot to Native.

All you need to do is send your promo code to and share a screenshot of the banner ad spot you want to switch to Native.

We pay publishers better on Native than most other Ad Networks can on banners! What are you waiting for?

Enter Your Details To Get Your Promo Code!



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Why Switch to Native?

Native Ads are the future of online advertising. The demand for the Native Ad format is growing rapidly and shows no sign of stopping soon, which means cash in your pocket! One of the most important points for publishers is the safety that Native ads bring, protecting you for the future with Google’s additional changes to their new ad standards.

We’ve created a handy guide and tutorial showing you excacly how to set up Native Ads on your website, as well as some top tips from our Publisher specialists:

Terms of the Compeition

Promotion is valid from 3rd to 31st December for any publisher with an approved account with TrafficStars.

100% rev share will be applied to the new ad spot from the day they begin until the 31st December. Only eligible for new native ad spots created from the 3rd to the 31st of December 2018 that replaced a regular banner size ad.

To be eligible, the publisher will need to send the promo code via email to, the ad spot name and a screenshot of the banner ad spot.