In this guide you will find Interstitial ads definition, Interstitial ads CPM and statistics. We've also gathered some of the best Interstitial ads examples to inspire you to craft more compelling ad creatives!

Introductory Overview

With several types of digital ad formats available for employment, it can be difficult as a brand or business to decipher which types of ads best suit your goals and objectives. While it’s certainly reasonable to employ more than one type of ad at one time, the question becomes whether or not those chosen are, in fact, suitable and appropriate.

One popular type of ad format is known as an interstitial ad; a type of ad format commonly used on mobile games, web browsers, and landing pages. Why interstitial ads?! For various reasons, however, largely for the interstitial ads revenue, of course!

With that said, in what follows, we’ll be diving deep into the world of interstitial ads, defining what they are, how they function, and why they’re beneficial. Further, we’ll share prevalent and notable statistics surrounding interstitial ads as well as some best practices to be made aware of.

Finally, we’ll conclude by sharing a word on TrafficStars and how we can be of assistance with curating an interstitial ads strategy and campaign that will help your business or brand reach your goals and objectives.

What are Interstitial Ads?


Simply put, interstitial ads are a type of ad format that takes up the entirety of the user interface, whether on mobile or desktop. In other words, it’s a type of interactive ad that is placed amidst or between content so as to capture the attention of the user.

If you’ve ever entered a website only to be greeted with a full-page pop-up advertisement, you’ve encountered an interstitial ad.

There are generally two types of interstitial ad formats, each encompassing several subtypes of ad content, inclusive of text, image, video, rich media, or a combination the bunch. It goes without saying that both ad formats are effective in their own right at bringing in interstitial ads revenue if implemented correctly.

The two types (or formats) of full-page interstitial ads are image and landing page ads.

Interstitial Image Ads

Interstitial full-page ads are those often found on landing pages triggered by a user's click. Perched between two pages of content as a transition of sorts and encompassing the entire screen in an interactive fashion, interstitial full-page ads are an incredible means of engagement and attention capturing.

Because of this trigger and due to the fact that users can ‘exit’ the ad immediately at their discretion, it’s also one of the most compliant ad types regarding Google’s non-intrusive, user experience standards.

Otherwise referred to or compared to an interstitial image ad, banner ads are a great way to display an interactive and eye-catching call to action that users inevitably have to pay attention to, whether they exit the ad or not…

Benefits of interstitial image ads:

•	Easy to create
•	Perfect alternative to Popunders
•	No requirement for HTML understanding or expertise
•	High click-through rate
•	Greater visibility
•	The ability for greater personalization (CTA, brand name, etc.)

Interstitial Landing Page Ads

The most prominent benefit of interstitial landing page ads is the ability to use the landing page link as a creative. So this is a great alternative to popunders. A link to the site is all you need to get started.

Statistics Surrounding Interstitial Ads

From potentially high engagement rates and thus conversion rates, the statistics surrounding interstitial ad performance should be one of interest if you’re someone considering an interstitial campaign.

For these reasons and more, interstitial ads are undeniably becoming one of the most popular ad types for marketers, app developers, and web developers alike…

With that said, in what follows, we’ll be sharing several key statistics surrounding this growing ad format, ultimately illustrating its power and value in today’s digital ecosystem.

So, without any further ado, let’s get right into the statistics, shall we?!

•	interstitial ads vs banner: Interstitial ads boast 18x higher CTRs than that of traditional banner ads.
•	Interstitial ads are the second most popular format behind reward advertisements in 2022.
•	57% of video game publishers use mobile interstitial ads to monetize mobile games, thus maximizing ad revenue.
•	63% of casual developers display mobile interstitial ads in their mobile games, while 47% of elite developers do the same. 
•	76% of ads seen in mobile games are mobile interstitial ads. 
•	32% of users report interactive playable interstitial ads to be engaging and entertaining. 
•	The United States is the most popular country with regard to the use of interstitial ads.

Although interstitial ads don’t come without their cons, with 22% of users simply seeking the ‘X’ button to relieve themselves of the ad, their advantages far outweigh their disadvantages, proving to be an overall effective means of advertising.

While these certainly aren’t all of the astonishing and promising statistics surrounding interstitial ads, they’re the most prevalent when it comes to illustrating the true value, effect, and popularity that such ads can have on a browser’s success.

Fun Fact: in 2016, Pinterest experienced a 100% increase in downloads, while Airbnb experienced a mere 300% increase in downloads, all because of the implementation of interstitial ads!

Where to start with Interstitial ads?

Now that you know all about interstitial ads, you might be curious about how you can begin to put them into practice.

Mobile utilities, Sweepstakes, Nutra, Adult games, Dating and iGaming niches show great performance. It makes sense to start with a simple conversions flow, that is, offers with payment for leads or app installs. This way you can find a profitable approach with a smaller budget.

With our self-serve platform, you can launch your campaigns with ease and begin to experience greater success than ever before.

How to create ad campaign?

Interstitial Ad Best Practices

To catch the attention of the user before he closes the ad is one of the main goals in running interstitial ads. Therefore, we have gathered these multi-purpose tips that will help you create a catchy ad.

Shocking ads

Show something controversial that goes against established opinion. Just don't overdo it: ads can be cheeky, but not offensive.


Clickbait headline

Another way to grab attention is to generate curiosity, so that users want to click on the ad.

  • This is how ____ can make more money with ____
  • This 16-years old boy earn $100 a day using ____
  • The doctor revealed the secret of ____

Limited time offer

Show your audience that they will miss something valuable.

  • 25% OFF & FREE Shipping
  • 2 days access only $1. Join now!
  • Call now, and we'll deliver for free!


Incorporate numbers

Numbers are a powerful tool for capturing attention. Data with stats signifies the content written by experts. Also, people trust more to a product that gets them actual results.

  • 5 secrets doctors don't want to reveal.
  • +7 cm long and +2 cm wide. ___ is the safest way to do it!
  • Over 82.7% of the Philippines are infected with parasites.

Consider frequency capping

Set up frequency capping to limit a number of times a unique user sees interstitial. By default, a limit of 3 impressions per 24 hours is set. It’s the sweet spot for ad effectiveness. So that your ads do not annoy users and you do not waste your budget.


Pre-landing page

However, in addition to irresistible creatives, you need to pay attention to the pre-lander. Moreover, it comes to the fore if you choose Interstitial Landing Page Ads.

Here’re the most effective types:

  • Free guide to download
  • Quiz
  • Fortune's wheel
  • Case study
  • A personal story in the form of a blog
  • An expert’s opinion
  • News site article
  • Demo game

The choice between these types depends on your offer. For iGaming, a fortune's wheel or a demo game proves perfect, whereas promoting nutritional offers aligns well with a blog story. Additionally, integrating interstitial video ads seamlessly enhances engagement and visibility across these diverse promotional strategies.


Interstitial ads CPM

We provide about 8 Million impressions daily from 200+ GEOs. The minimum CPM starts at $0.05. However an effective bid depends on competition and your target. For example, here our TOP-10 GEOs by traffic volume and their effective bids. For advertisers, strategically placing interstitial ads within the user experience and delivering compelling content is essential for maximizing interstitial ads revenue.

  1. United States - $0.78
  2. India - $0.08
  3. Germany - $1.20
  4. United Kingdom - $1.00
  5. Japan - $0.30
  6. France - $1.15
  7. Mexico - $0.13
  8. Canada - $0.88
  9. Philippines - $0.11
  10. Brazil - $0.20

*Figures are based on July 2022 data.

Wrapping Up

Full-Page Interstitial is a great ad format that combining advantages of Popunder and display ads. It’s easy to create, has a high conversion rate and Google compliant. If you are already running popunders on TrafficStars, you can use interstitials to scale your ad campaigns. Offering more affordable CPMs than any other ad platform out there, we allow a greater margin for error whilst increasing the likelihood of greater profits. Follow best practices and take your ad campaigns to new heights!

Launch campaign 🚀